(520) 907-4707


(520) 907-4707


Tucson’s Favorite Local Salon Dedicated to Body Waxing

Why Wax – What To Expect
Don’t be the only one not waxing

It only hurts for a minute!!tucson-waxing-salon-inside

Why Wax?

A professional salon waxing should last for between three to six weeks depending on your normal rate of regrowth.  Regular waxing is known to slow and soften the new hair.  You’re guaranteed at least three weeks of hairless looking skin.  Just imagine your summer holiday without having to pack a razor or any smelly depilatory creams – no stubble, dark shadowy armpits or prickly arms or private parts. What a luxury!!

It’s a joy compared to the do-it-yourself method.  No contorting yourself into impossible positions or the discomfort of aggressive cold wax.  They Hurt!  Just relax and let us do all the hard work, professional warm crème salon wax is actually a pleasant sensation when applied and does not hurt like the over-the-counter waxing options. A professional wax is much more gentle on the skin and the process is very rapid.

What to Expect with a Brazilian/Bikini Wax

Just Kidding!!

Waxings occur in a private room with a door.  You’ll be left alone to remove your pants and underwear and you’ll be asked to lie on a table with clean paper and a towel to drape over your private parts.  For a Bikini you will be provided with a paper thong to cover the areas that will not be waxed.

With a Brazilian all the hair is removed and a Bikini only that hair on the side of the thighs that would be exposed in a bikini will be removed.  Procedure can be modified to include as much hair as you would like removed but cost may be higher.

Because you need at least ¼ inch of hair length for fine hair and ½ inch for course hair, your waxer may trim the hair to the correct length or you may do that before the apt. If the hair is any shorter it is too hard for the wax to grab onto the hair and more tweezing will have to occur or you may not be able to be waxed that day.  A general rule of thumb is to wait at least 2 – 3 weeks if you shave.

The waxer will clean the area with cleanser designed for this area, apply oil or powder to prepare the wax for easier removal.

The best waxers are fast, which means less discomfort for you.  Expect roughly ½ hour more or less depending on the length and amount of hair.

The waxer will dip a wooden waxing stick into a pot of hot wax and then spread it onto your skin and hair.  After the wax has cooled the wax will be pulled off in the opposite direction of the hair growth, pulling the hairs out by the root.

Wax Werks Waxing Salon uses only Hard wax for Brazilians and Bikinis, which is less painful than strip waxing and has been proven to create less ingrown hair problems.

Waxing usually starts in the front and moves toward the back.  You may be asked to help hold the skin taut.

The Brazilian means everything off or you may elect to keep a “landing strip” in the front, don’t be surprised when the technician removes the hair between the buttocks – you may elect to not have this hair removed but it is included if you desire that hair to be gone as well. Yes, for most people, hair grows there!

While waxing, the technician may tweeze any stray hairs and may trim the remaining landing strip, or even create designs (there are patterns for this) some women even opt to dye the remaining hair (Color My Betty).

The technician will then spread soothing lotion over the waxed areas.

It is best to rewax every 4-5 weeks, if you wait too long it will usually take more time to remove and be more painful for you.  Wax Werks Waxing Salon offers a discount for regular waxers.

Book your appointment at least a week before or after your period as you are more sensitive during this time and waxing may be more painful.

Taking 2 Advil an hour before your procedure will usually cut down on the pain factor. Or for some people a numbing cream 30 minutes before the apt. helps.

You can always call of you have any additional questions.  (520) 907-4707

No question is a silly question and I want you to be comfortable with the procedure.

Wax Werks Waxing Salon

2510 E. 6th Street
Tucson, AZ 85716
Phone: (520) 907-4707
Email: martha@waxwerkswaxingsalon.com


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